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The annual Power Women of the Bronx event on Thursday, Oct. 23 will honor influential trailblazers from various industries who will be recognized for their impact on business, community and leadership.
When women support women, amazing things happen.
“Bringing together an inspirational group of women with diverse backgrounds and powerful stories is what the Schneps ultimate networking events are all about,” said Elizabeth Schneps Aloni, SVP Events, Schneps Media.
2023 Power Women of the BronxCredit: Corazon Aguirre
Schneps Media, publishers of the Bronx Times, amnyMetro, Caribbean Life and Noticia, is proud to bring together the most extraordinary women to connect, support one another, do business and build community. This year marks 30 years of honoring Power Women across the NY area so the celebration will include special designations of past Power Women as ICONs, new Power Women will be named and women on an upward trajectory in their careers will be honored as Power Women RISING.
Gloria Sandiford, B.S., M.A., Lic. NYS Real Estate Broker, Flateau Realty, Corp. was honored at the Power Women of Brooklyn event in September and said, “…Thank you for allowing me to be a part of such an uplifting, gracious, and awesome event. I am so very appreciative of you and your team at Schneps Media for hosting such a well-planned and professionally executed event that honored women. The event gave me a much-needed break while spending quality time with my friends and family on an unforgettable night. If the goal of the event was to make us women feel special, appreciated and like a Queen for at least a day then for me, you went above and beyond the goal.”
In addition to celebrating the selected honorees, at every Power Woman event, Schneps Media raises money for a local cause through a raffle. For Power Women of the Bronx one hundred percent of the evening’s raffle proceeds will go to this special cause.
Power Women of the Bronx Honorees include:
Julissa Alvarez, MSW, MSB, Founder & CEO, Brimela Routes Corp
Hon. Ischia Bravo, Commissioner of Jurors/Bronx County Clerk
Miguelina Camilo, Esq., Counsel, Speaker Carl E. Heastie’s Office
April Cardena, Founding Partner, Premier Strategies Inc.
ICON, Vincenza Carovillano, Emmy-Nominated Makeup Artist, BE[YOU]TIFUL
Deborah Charlemagne, Market Director of Banking, Chase
ICON, Hon. Darcel Denise Clark, Bronx District Attorney
ICON, Jessica Clemente, Chief Executive Officer, Nos Quedamos
Ariana Collado, Executive Director, Bronx Democratic County Committee
Nancy Conde, Senior Advisor & Director of Intergovernmental Affairs, U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s Office
Ambassador Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook, U.S. Ambassador for International Religious Freedom
ICON, Yasmin Cruz, Executive Director, Westchester Square BID
ICON, Pamela Damon, Chief Executive Officer, Not On My Watch, Inc.
Franchesca Diaz, Director, Regional and Community Affairs, Con Edison
Darcel Dillard-Suite, M.S., Co-Founder & President, Full Circle Enterprises
ICON, Audrey Duncan, Director of Community Affairs, BronxNet Television
Thekra El-Rowmeim, Director of Family & Youth, Yemeni American Merchant Association (YAMA)
Hon. Amanda Farías, Majority Leader, City Council
Simone Faulkner-Smith, Vice President of Human Resources, Volunteers, Reception & Security for Cabrini of Westchester, The Carmelite System
ICON, Hon. Nathalia Fernandez, NYS State Senator, District 34
ICON, Daisy Cocco De Filippis, Ph.D., President, Hostos Community College
ICON, Debbian Fletcher-Blake, APRN, FNP, President & CEO, VIP Community Services
Trish Gathers, President & Chief Executive Officer, The Carmelite System
ICON, Hon. Vanessa Gibson, Bronx Borough President
Alma Idehen, Co-Director, Bronx Healthy Start Partnership-Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Pamela Johnson, Executive Director, Urban Neighborhood Inc.
Karen Vanderburg Johnson, Owner & Hairstylist, Eternal Beauty of NY
Laura Levine-Pinedo, Executive Director, Kingsbridge Riverdale Van Cortlandt Development Corp.
Mistress of Ceremonies, Noëlle Lilley, Reporter, News 12
ICON, Christina De Luca, Owner & Broker, De Luca Realty
ICON, Sandy Manessis-Clacken, Principal, New Vision Charter Advanced Math & School II
ICON, Royal Mickens, Chief Executive Officer, Royal Hustler Promotions Co.
Angely Orbe, Chief Financial Officer, Bronx Economic Development Corp
Sasha Y. Ortiz, Executive Director, Castle Hill BID
ICON, Aileen Padilla, Owner & Licensed Real Estate Broker, RE/MAX Boutique Realty
ICON, Hon. Janet Peguero, Bronx Deputy Borough President
Renee Pruzansky, Owner & Chief Executive Officer, ChoiceCare Management
Yesenia Quinones, Community Manager, Community & Business Development, Chase
Dr. Diane Recinos, President, Berkeley College
Joyce Rivera, Founder & CEO, St. Ann’s Corner of Harm Reduction (SACHR)
Desiree Sanchez, Co-Owner, The Living Room
Jacqueline Santos, Vice President & Information Technology Systems Officer, Ponce Bank
ICON, Lisa Sorin, President, Bronx Chamber of Commerce
Deborah Wong, Co-Owner, The Living Room
Power Women of the Bronx will take place on Oct. 23 at 6PM at Villa Barone Manor. For tickets, sponsorships and more information visit or contact Demetra Mattone at [email protected]
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