
Jamaican-American District Leader Anthony Beckford celebrates Veterans Day

todayNovember 7, 2024

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Disabled United States Marine Corps veteran Anthony Beckford, district leader for the 43rd Assembly District in Brooklyn, is the son of Jamaican immigrants.

Beckford – a single father, published author, political consultant, community advocate, musical artist and entrepreneur – is also president of Black Lives Matter Brooklyn.

Beckford told Caribbean Life that he enlisted in the US Marine Corps in 2001, a few months before Sep. 11 since the military was “something” that he looked forward to participating in since childhood.

He said that he originally signed up as an amphibian assault gunner, but was given the opportunity to become a Cannon Crewman due to the closing of his first-choice job.

Beckford was awarded the National Defense Ribbon during his service in the Marine Corps. Unfortunately, during his service, he was injured and is disabled, but he said his spirit to fight for the people has continued.

“As a veteran, I have found that I am a little more strategic and purposeful in the decisions I make in my life, politics and in general.” Beckford said. “With Veterans Day coming up, I hope that the focus is truly on our service and the many issues that we still have to deal with in regards to housing, healthcare, mental health and our quality of life.

“This is one of the times when us, veterans, do get together to reminisce, have a few laughs, pat each other on the back to give assurance that we are there for each other and support one another,” he added.

Beckford was recently elected Democratic District Leader/State Committee Member of the 43rd New York State Assembly District, covering Flatbush, Crown Heights, Prospect Lefferts Garden and a small part of East Flatbush.

Beckford said he is also the founder of several initiatives such as Save Our Youth Initiative and L.I.F.E. (Love, Integrity, Family and Equity), whose missions are “to engage with youth and families to combat poverty, food insecurities, educational needs, gun violence and much more.

“Being an active advocate has opened the door for many opportunities,” he said.

As the president of Brooklyn Progressive Action Network and an executive committee member of New York Progressive Action Network, Beckford said he has been able to “bring more focus on civic engagement and legislative needs of the community.”

He is the recipient of the Brooklyn Power List Honoree Award, Kings of New York Award, two-time honoree of the Caribbean Impact Image Awards, the Community Moms and Pops Awards and the recipient of an Honorary Doctorate of Divinity, for his hard work and dedication in the community with his businesses, advocacy and politics.

Over the years, Beckford said he was also presented with awards from several New York City officials for his community service, advocacy and commitment to issues such as housing, public safety, social justice, education, workforce services and more.

Beckford said he strives to be an example of Honor, Courage and Commitment, which are the core values of the United States Marine Corps.

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