
1698 Results / Page 112 of 189


Panamanians plan 29th Annual Tribute to Independence

On the anniversary of Christopher Columbus allegedly setting eyes on the Americas, Panamanians plan a momentous tribute to the heritage and culture he bequeathed as an emissary from Spain. Members of the Day of Independence Committee of Panamanians in New York plan their 29th annual procession from President Street to Classon Avenue, adjacent to the Brooklyn Museum, on Oct. 12. Revered as the largest Panamanian parade in the world, none […]

todayOctober 1, 2024


Caribbean RoundUp

Antigua and Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda accused the international community of seeking to prevent countries from resuming commercial whaling. Members of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) were also accused of “refusing to accept the responsibility of the organization to engage in the management of this resource.” At the 69th IWC meeting, Antigua and Barbuda’s IWC Commissioner, Daven Joseph, said members were refusing to consider the food security situation of all […]

todaySeptember 30, 2024 2


The value of a CUNY degree keeps growing for graduates

New Yorkers know a good deal when they see one. That’s why more than 200,000 of them enroll as CUNY undergraduates every year and invest in something increasingly rare in the nation: A high-quality, affordable education leading to a degree that can pay for itself within months of graduation. That CUNY value has been documented again by education economists whose research has established CUNY as the nation’s leader in propelling […]

todaySeptember 30, 2024


A Vegetarian’s Delight, Caribbean Comfort Food

Ever since making and sharing the recipe for the Stuffed Grilled Snapper, I knew this recipe would be a hit with vegans, vegetarians and those who follow an Ital food path. A quick and tasty stew made with pumpkin, spinach, Jamaican callaloo (Chorai bhagi) and okra. Photo by Chris De La Rosa You’ll Need… 1 1/2 tablespoon veg oil 1/2 medium onion (sliced) 6-8 cloves garlic (smashed) 1/2 teaspoon black […]

todaySeptember 30, 2024
