Month: October 2024

242 Results / Page 27 of 27


One Brooklyn Health hosts annual Gospel Fest

One Brooklyn Health (OBH) ​will on Sunday, Oct. 13 host its annual OBH Gospel Fest in collaboration with Pastor Gil Monrose of Mt. Zion Church of God 7th Day and Brooklyn Center for Quality Life. Enid Dillard, OBH’s senior director of marketing and communications, told Caribbean Life on Monday that the event will be held in the Kahn Auditorium at the OBH Brookdale Medical Center campus, 535 Rockaway Parkway, Brooklyn, […]

todayOctober 1, 2024 1


Op-Ed | New Yorkers are saying ‘Yes’ to more affordable housing and ‘City of Yes’

Last week, the City Planning Commission listened to the voices of countless New Yorkers and said ‘yes’ to the “City of Yes for Housing Opportunity” — the most pro-housing changes in the history of the city’s zoning code. New Yorkers cannot afford to wait any longer for affordable housing. With a 1.4 percent vacancy rate and the rent being too damn high, families are getting priced out left and right. […]

todayOctober 1, 2024


Grenada PM tells impassioned, personal story on resilience as core of UN address

Grenada Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell on Saturday made resilience the core of his contribution to the United Nations General Assembly Debate, saying that he wanted to speak about the topic in the face of climate change, paths to economic resilience, and the role of education in ensuring both. In his address to the 79th Session of the General Assembly Debate, Mitchell, who is also the current chair of the Caribbean […]

todayOctober 1, 2024 1


Panamanians plan 29th Annual Tribute to Independence

On the anniversary of Christopher Columbus allegedly setting eyes on the Americas, Panamanians plan a momentous tribute to the heritage and culture he bequeathed as an emissary from Spain. Members of the Day of Independence Committee of Panamanians in New York plan their 29th annual procession from President Street to Classon Avenue, adjacent to the Brooklyn Museum, on Oct. 12. Revered as the largest Panamanian parade in the world, none […]

todayOctober 1, 2024
